Wednesday, 4 May 2016


Hey guys,

Thought I'd make a quick post about this latest phenomenon - Geocaching. The idea being you use the app on your phone (that is if you don't have a really rubbish smartphone that holds charge for a few hours at a time -_-) and it guides you to the cache, you log to say you found it and put it back. It reminded me a little of the 'mystery hunts' my dad did when I was a kid. He'd give me a clue which led to a clue which led to a clue and so on.

You can get the app free and get the simple caches, or upgrade to premium and get the more difficult and 'puzzle' ones.

It's certainly one way to liven up a ordinary urban walk. I say urban as I've noticed a distinct lack of caches in parks, trails and what have you.

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